Monday, April 22, 2019

Trump's Easter Egg Roll - Faith Wangermann

In an article published by the New York Times on Monday, April 22, Katie Rogers outlines the actions of Trump at the White House Easter egg roll this year. As with many holidays during his presidency, he took the opportunity to answer political questions while children hunted for eggs in frame behind him. When asked about whether he was afraid of impeachment, as the Mueller Report was just released last week, he claims he's "not even a little bit" worried. Despite the findings of the report, he also claims "nobody disobeys my orders." He also addressed the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. All of this reminds me of any other president who has had little or no connection with children and youth in America, and only uses them for his personal gain.

1 comment:

  1. I have extreme doubt over the claims by Trump that he is not worried about the Mueller report, especially with insider reports of him claiming that it was all over once the Mueller Report got leaked. He has proven one of the largest sources of "fake news", no matter what else he may preach.
