Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Traumatic memories pit two neuron groups against each other- Rachel DuBard


This study show what happens to the brain after traumatic experiences. Between dealing and moving passed these memories deals with two neurons in the hippocampus, part of the brain in which can contain multiple memories of the and situation. The brain uses a technique called activity- dependent neutral tagging. Researched noticed that another group of neurons called “extinction neurons”. These neurons work through terminating the memories of fear. For example, if someone gets in a bad car reck at a certain place, but continue to drive through the area almost protesting these memories, then eventually those memories will disappear.

This relates to history bc after all the traumatic experiences anyone from the worlds past has dealt with makes me wonder if these memories are even possible to be terminated.

1 comment:

  1. It’s so interesting how the brain can, in an effort to censor traumatic experiences, will manage to completely block out an event and really, cause far more harm than is intended by never letting the person who experienced the trauma go through some sort of closure.
