Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Texas is Still a Homophobic Dumpster Fire - Hadley McGhee


It's 2019. I thought Texas would have gotten its act together by now, but I guess not. In Texas, sodomy and "homosexual conduct" are still illegal, even though this law was struck down in Lawrence v. Texas in 2003. It remains in the Texas penal code (21.06). Texas also has "Don't Say Gay" (also known as "No Promo Homo") laws stating that educational programs must promote the idea that homosexual conduct is "not an acceptable lifestyle and is a criminal offense." (Penal code 85.007) If you ask me, this is a violation of our 1st amendment rights. Also, the insurance coverage of in vitro fertilization does not extend to lesbian couples, despite the fact that Title VIII of the insurance code requires pregnancy related services to include in vitro.

These laws are archaic and unconstitutional. There is no reason why we should still be stuck under the homophobic laws from the rise of conservatism. It is time for the pendulum to swing back and it is time for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies to speak out against these unjust laws.


  1. The ultra-conservative perspective that many Texans have has such an impact on the lives of the LGBTQ+ community living here. I think it’s important that these conservatives stay behind their beliefs and are still respected; however, I believe that it is equally important for all Americans to recognize that LGBTQ+ individuals are people too, and they should be able to express themselves and exercise their unalienable rights just like anyone else, without some law telling them that the way they were born is wrong.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. In a state with a reputation for letting people have as many guns as they want, etc., I can't believe that sodomy is still illegal, as if it's the government's business what people do in private.

  3. People are allowed their beliefs, but everyone should be allowed to live their lives. Texas has the second highest population out of all the states and is one of the most diverse, and yet so many of the people living here are marginalized by an archaic and hateful system. - Daniella Castanheira

  4. Our state really needs to get it together. Why do people still think it's okay to control the lives of others and bash them for being who they are!?- Madison Malonson
