Youtube influencer Jeffree Star says burglars cut through the roof of his warehouse and ransacked $2.5 million in make up
Two weeks ago one of Jeffree Strar's makeup company warehouses was broken into and thousands of makeup products were stolen that amounted to about $2.5. In a Youtube video Jeffree Star talked about him working with the FBI in order to find the culprit(s) and the make up products themselves. He also asked people to not buy these black market products if they came across sellers online.
I hope that they are able to find the people who are responsible for robbing Jeffree Star of his product that he worked hard to produce however I seriously doubt that they will be able to track all of the product. However, even though I do think his work is worth trying to find and recover and hold the people accountable I think that getting the FBI involved is a little over board. I can't help but feel as if it is a little sad that we choose to use our FBI to find make up rather than allowing them to focus on more pending, life threatening cases like human trafficking, murder, kidnaps and other things.
its sad that he worked so hard to put a product out for diverse reasons and someone had to ruin it