Monday, April 15, 2019

Haley Bogdon - Fire Mauls Beloved Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

This article was about the tragic burning of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, which is the symbol of the beauty and history of Paris.  The fire caused the roof to collapse and many gathered in the streets in tears watching this historic building burn.  It took 500 firefighters almost five hours to put out the fire.  The two towers were spared, but two-thirds of the roof were destroyed.  They have not yet identified the cause of the fire, but it is reported that it started somewhere in the wooden beams that date back to the Middle Ages.  The city mourned the burned structure and officials are promising that it will be rebuilt.  I pray for the city of Paris and hope that they are able to rebuild this beautiful building.  The article made me realize that we take for granted some of the historic buildings or memorable places that we pass by every day.  I hope that this will make people appreciate the beauty in things that they otherwise may not notice.

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