Sunday, April 7, 2019

Daviah Harrison-Taraji P. Henson talks mental health with Van Jones

This article wasn't written by anyone since it really isn't an article. It is a video of Taraji being interviewed by Van Jones. Recently, she has addressed her mental health issues including depression and anxiety. She also talks about how uncommon it is for African Americans to talk about their mental health issues and encourages the black community to talk about their issues.

This reminds me of when people would say that homosexuality was a mental illness, but this situation is kind of the opposite since some  people don't want to own up to mental illnesses and want to slide it under the rug. I am glad that she is encouraging people to talk about this and to get help.


  1. I think mental health is a very important issue that should be discussed more

  2. I think its so humble and strong of her to come out and basically say she goes through things and she’s a real person too
