Sunday, April 21, 2019

Daviah Harrison-Baby Shira's Story

This article was written by Elizabeth Cohen on April 18,2019. Fainy has 4 children and she has gotten them vaccinated on time, but her 8 month old had to be hospitalized when she realized that she had measles. The only reason for this was because the baby was too young to be vaccinated,which is quite sad.

I hate that this happened,especially since she didn't do anything wrong. This just reminds me of all of the articles I've seen lately about how important it is to vaccinate your children. I hope  that something can be done about this so that children under a year old can be protected.

1 comment:

  1. When people don't vaccinate their kids it hurts more than just them! Iceland actually banned unvaccinated people from visiting the country, so good for them.
