Sunday, September 23, 2018

Those Who Can't Forget- Gracie Zytynski

   Nine families share the story of how they are connected to Arlington National Cemetery beside the Pentagon and the Potomac River. This cemetery is reserved for generals who served in the armed forces. The families discuss how each of the members that passed away in wars fought in Iraq and Afghanistan effected their lives. Catin Einhorn says that "they each loved her and now they love one another." Helene Cooper discuss how generations of her kids honor their uncle they never knew, by going to the grave and honoring him. Seven other families share their stories of how a family member helped our country and effected their lives.
    This article was written by the New York Times on May 25, 2018, the Friday before Memorial Day. Prior to this article, I knew much about Arlington Cemetery, due to my great uncle (mom's uncle) being buried there in 2015. I think it is interesting to see how each of these family's share the stories of how their relatives have helped our country and have fought for our nation. Arlington Cemetery was Robert E. Lee's front yard during the Civil War and was later turned into a cemetery to bury those who serve for our nation. This article was written to inform all about how the death of those who serve for us affect their families and how they remember them. The authors purpose was to show the importance of Arlington Cemetery and why only specific people are buried there. This article is important because it lets the audience see how the families of soldiers suffer after their death and the importance of the soldiers to our nation.


  1. I am very grateful for these Navy Seals and others in the army serving for our countries protection, because behind every death of a soldier is an amazing story about their life.

  2. I agree with Nathan. Navy seals and others in the army do so much for our country , they sacrifice their lives for our well being. Families do suffer from the death of soldiers but they will always be remembered. -Alma Alvarado- Cabrera-
