Summary: On Saturday, September 22, four gunmen dressed in fatigues, which are false soldier uniforms, opened gunfire in the middle of a military parade, in southwestern Iran. The parade was taking place to mark the anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 war with Iran. This act of violence led to at least 29 deaths, including women and children, and at least another 70 people were wounded in the process. Out of the 4 attackers, 3 died at the scene, while the fourth was arrested but soon died due to his fatal injuries. Earlier today, the mass funeral for victims of the military parade occurred, and the whole country went into mourning.
Analysis: This article was written on September 22, the day of the attack, which means that this information is two days old. The information may not be updated since the parade, which means it is most likely not current. This can relate to the 1980-1988 war with Saddam Hussein's Iran, as the shooters may disagree with what had happened in the past, or if they are trying to once again retaliate, or get revenge. This article lets us know the number of casualties and the number of attackers. The article was created to inform the readers about the world events, and to keep us aware of our surroundings. Without this article, I would have never known about this event, or how it happened. It is extremely unfortunate that at a public event, someone would dare to cause harm, and worse, kill. It is becoming less and less safe to go out into a public area, because of the harm and violence that people want to partake in.
Tragic, very very tragic. Not even can we be in peace , appreciating the people that fight for our country. -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera