Monday, September 24, 2018

Liky Monday

This article was released on september 4th 2018, and concerns Nike’s new campaign. The article explains how Nike has released a new Nike campaign involving Colin Kaepernick, a former player for the NFL who is not in the league anymore due to kneeling during the national anthem. This protest is in honor of racial inequality in this country,which NFL does not agree with , so they asked him to stop kneeling.This article was created for everyone to gain awareness of what is happening in the world of Nike, and how there is a huge controversy. Many people agree with nike, they got 43 million  dollars worth of press for the Ad (believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything) and it was all neutral to positive. Their audience is young people, so they really did not lose many customers from this ad , in fact they definitely gained more than they lost. Bloomberg created the source, which is a media platform that leans, only slightly to the left so i do not think that affects the credibility in the slightest. This source is important because it explains what is going on in the world and the controversy without having one opinion. It also gives other people's opinions, such as our president who disagrees strongly with Nike’s message, but i personally strongly support Nike.It is relevant to our lives today because it concerns a huge controversy that splits the world, and one of the biggest shoe companies in the world backing up the minorities.It is worth attention , and is making history.

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