Monday, February 19, 2018

Problems With Gun Violence Chloe Villa-Abrille

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school was face with trauma this past week as many know. However not all is at loss, two students are fighting hard to make changes and solve this endless problem of gun violence. Emma Gonzalez speaks clearly against Marco Rubio who believes that removing the gun wouldn’t solve anything; however, Emma explains that having it removed would help prevent the problem since it would make it much more difficult for criminal to have a gun. She also shows Trumps hypocrisy after he states it was the FBI’s fault; however the odd thing is that he has a large control over the FBI, thus meaning is is too at fault. She also makes marks against the NRA who aren’t properly doing their job. She says, “you are either standing with the child murders or the children,” a calling for change, hopefully some hears what she is asking for though.
This story is saddening but also shows hope. With people standing up such horrible things this shows that there might be a change for reform and change. However it will take many to do so, these corporations and politicians have a ton of power and control over the public. With time and the great effort of many, it can be possible to change, everyone will just have to give it their all.

1 comment:

  1. I know that the issue of gun control can be a touchy subject, but a change definitely needs to be made, and soon.
