Monday, February 26, 2018

Black Panther money being donated- Isabella Hambleton

   The new movie Black Panther just recently came out and has been a huge success, especially financially. It has already pulled in about $700 million worldwide and the numbers just keep going up. The owner of Marvel Studios, which is owned by Disney, has decided to donate $1 million to the Boys and Girls club. The Boys and Girls club is a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) program and is for children seeking more education and success. Some of these programs take in children from underprivileged areas and don't have enough money to support their program. That is why Disney has decided to donate to help those kids achieve success.
    This article, written by Jill Disis from CNN News, shows us how large companies are giving back to the community to benefit others. These companies are using some of the money they have earned and are donating it to good causes. If many other companies did this as well our community would grow much faster and we would have more funds to produce these types of programs leading the younger generation to success.


  1. That is really great that Disney donated 1 million to the boys and girls club for children seeking education

  2. I love this! More corporations and businesses need to be giving back to the community instead of greedily keeping all their money for themselves. This relates to Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth philosophy.

  3. That is really good to hear how movies are helping to fund STEM programs, hopefully it can get more to follow.
    Brooke Simpson
