Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Molly Molthan 2/26/18


 This toxic lie about gun violence hurts society’s most of vulnerable.  The shooting at Douglas high school in Florida is the eighth school shooting to result in death or injury in the first two months of 2018 and has inspired a wave of activism against the ravages of gun violence.  President Trump  focused his remarks on mental health and on people who are crazy and sick and he believe that insane people are to blame for gun violence. Trump invokes fear through stereotype in an effort to distract from the obvious reason he and many others of his party filter take seriously gun violence in the threat it poses to all Americans.
This article relates to US history because gun violence is a major issue in our country especially because guns are legal and very easy to buy. This reminds me of the 18th amendment when alcohol was prohibited. If guns become illegal to own or sell, people will want them more and will secretly smuggle them in to the country and it would become a huge problem like alcohol was in the early 1900s.


  1. Guns will never become illegal in this country because too many people feel strongly about their 2nd amendment rights. However I personally think reform needs to happen to turn around this mess we have gotten ourselves into.

  2. This is a very hot topic because of our inability to come forward and talk rationally about issues in this country. It seems like everyone and their mom has an opinion on something these days, but no one wants to give in a little to hear other people's opinions. Until that happens, congress will be stuck at a standstill and I'm afraid very little will be done in this country.

  3. To me one of the scariest parts about this whole debate is the refusal to understand that something can have multiple causes that need to be addressed. Yes, care for those with mental health issues is in a pretty sorry state in America, but solving that doesn't prevent mentally healthy people with access to ludicrously dangerous weapons from getting emotionally charged and making mistakes, and neither of those addresses the problem of how little states actually participate in the already existing databases put in place to stop dangerous people from getting access to guns.

  4. I was going to say that people are going to want to own guns even more because there would be a ban on them. I think they just need to be in the hands of people who mean to use it for good reasons, and not to kill people for whatever reason comes with that.
