Monday, February 26, 2018

Ashton Benn: 2/26/18

Olof Bäckström created the typical orange-handled scissors that almost every household has. The company, Fiskars, has sold over a billion world-wide and they have become a source of national pride for Finland. The scissors are so iconic that there is an exhibit being created for Bäckström at the Helsinki Design Museum. To an ordinary person, the scissors may not be anything special, but if you look closely the design of them are revolutionary. They have a perfect shaped handle and they are made with a cheap steal which made scissors economical. Instead of the heavy iron that was used in 1967, the scissors are now held together by a steel piece in the center instead of being expensively forged together. The well-known orange handle color trademarks the company in the mass market of scissors. Since Bäckström's death, only minor improvements have been made to the original design. 

I think that it is eye-opening to think of a country's source of pride coming from a pair of scissors. To me, it makes me think about finding joy in the little things that you would usually ignore or use without thinking. Now, whenever I pick up scissors, I will think about the tiny country in Europe that have so much pride in making an impact on the world economy. 

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