Saturday, February 24, 2018

Companies Cutting Ties with the NRA

Many companies are now cutting all the to the NRA( National Rifle Association, along with many people who are also boycotting the group. As many are aware of , there was a mass shooting ended the lives of 17 people. The murders were committed by a 19 year old boy who wasn't old enough to legally drink, adopt a child or rent a car but he was somehow able to get a hold of a gun. This shooting has called a lot of attention to an organization that strongly advocates for gun rights. Since many companies are cutting ties with the NRA, their slowly losing power.

I fully respect the decision of these companies but have even more respect for the people for demanding that companies cut ties with the N RA or they would boycott the companies. And in the capitalist society we live in your dollar is your vote.


  1. Olivia Wall- I think the awareness being brought to this topic is very important and is something that needs to be evaluated.

  2. I’m glad the people’s voice on the issue has become so loud and is finally being heard, in this case, by the companies who are cutting ties. I have hope watching these debates and seeing so many people stand up for what they believe in.

    1. i agree this is very important for america in general

  3. If only politicians were the same-Democrats and Republicans alike have taken part in the NRA by receiving donations, money, or ignoring the needs for gun control due to fear of losing NRA donations. This corporation should have no place or say in our government policies-this alliance is too much like the scandals of the Gilded Age which to be quite frank, sickens me.
