Sunday, February 25, 2018

Madeline Sabedra

Florida Students Return, Gingerly, to Their Scarred High School

Today was the first time that many students and parents returned to Majory Stoneman Douglas Highschool. There were mixed feelings about returning to the place where many people hid for their lives and heard gunshots from the other room. One thing that all the people returning to school had in common was that they were holding on to eachother for support. They all gave and recieved support. Rather than completely collapsing after this awful event, Douglas high school has decided to stand strong and recover together. 
Teachers and staff will return to school this Monday and Tuesday. Students will return on Wednesday (not for a full school day). I know that this will be very difficult for them to recover from, but I believe they can do it as long as they continue to stand together.


  1. What these students did is so corageous. They faced a huge tragedy and grew stronger from it, they didn't let it defeat them.

  2. These students are incredible to face those hallowed halls. IT takes such strength and determination to be able to face a scene a trauma, not to mention PTSD.
