Monday, February 26, 2018

Disney donates $1 million from 'Black Panther' to the Boys & Girls Clubs - Chloe Walker

In celebration of Marvel's Black Panther's success Disney will be donating $1 million to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Disney CEO Bob Iger said that it was "thrilling to see how inspired young audiences were by the spectacular technology in the film." The donations will go toward youth programs such as STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). With this donation the organization will organize new STEM organizations programs for the youth in multiple states across the U.S.

Jill Disis of CNN, created this Article on February 26 2018. Before this article I had already known the extraordinary effects Black Panther had on the younger generation but, I did not know its benefits towards STEM programs. This effects my understanding of the article because I now know even greater effects of the black super hero film. This article has a positive influence and was written to inform others on the benefits of the successful film towards the younger generation. This article is important because it shows how important representation of a black super hero film has towards a younger generation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that superhero movies like this are inspiring more kids to go into STEM, which is a career that always needs new people.
