Monday, April 3, 2017

tessa ward

London Police Liberate all 12 People Who Attacked Bridge

On March 22nd, 2017, a 52 year old man by the name of Khalid Masood engraved terror in the hearts of the citizens of London, Paris when he plowed through pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, as well as fatally stabbing a police officer who tried to stop him. Four people were killed on that day and dozens more were hospitalized, some injuries worse than others. The police officer killed at the scene was a 15 year veteran named Keith Palmer. Detectives do not believe that this attack was spurred by ISIS or al Qaeda. Masood was shot eventually and died, however his 12 other accomplices were brought into custody but were released with no charges just days later.

I don't think the London police should have released those terrorists, especially without charges. These men are just going to go back to continue killing and scaring people around the world. No lesson was learned from just being in jail for a few days. I think they should at least get a 20 year sentence, based off of the part they played in the attack. By releasing them, there is now more risk of attacks in Europe and i just do not think that that was a good idea. I'm glad that the main attacker was killed at the scene because if he had lived and gotten out of jail, he would have taken his leadership role and continue to murder. When detectives say that it was not encouraged by ISIS or al Qaeda, I don't know if that is correct or not. The attackers may not have been apart of those groups, but they still caused fear and still killed for no reason.


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