Monday, May 4, 2015

Anniversary of Kent University Shooting - Madison Escaño

Forty five years ago today, members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed protestors at Kent State University; consequently, four were killed and nine were wounded in the crossfire. Protestors were rallying against U.S. involvement in Vietnam and this incident only went on to produce more shock and dissent from the nation. Guardsmen on campus show little to no remorse for the murders. 

This event goes along with the 1970s in American history. This era proved to be trying for Americans as they lost faith in their government due to events like the Cambodian bombings and involvement in Vietnam. Protests were guided by counterculturists and were largely based out of California universities and would eventually spread throughout the nation. Even today, such violence isn't justified.  The authorities should be capable of controlling a crowd without the use of weaponry that is bound to cause injury or senseless deaths. 

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see that we have not forgotten this moment in history. I think this can be considered in todays event It is important that we allow the people of the U.S. the opportunity to protest and express their opinions.
