Monday, May 11, 2015

A photograph detects cancer by Megan Darlington

     An Illinois mother was looking at her son and noticed something white deep in his eye. She didn't think much of it until she googled what it could be and a response said that if you take a picture of someone and instead of red eye, you get a white eye, its a sign of cancer. She told her husband, but he didn't think much of it until the wife brought her kid to the doctor and it was confirmed that he had tumors in 75% of his right eye. He underwent a surgery  and had his eye removed because of this.
     This relates to APUSH by the theme of technology. Technology has been improving throughout history and making life expectancy grow longer and receiving safer health care. With out the invention of the internet and of the ca,era, It is likely that this boy would have died of cancer sooner and in a worse condition.


  1. Oh wow! This is very interesting, because I wouldn't expect a simple picture to depict something like that. I wonder what makes the picture come out white.

  2. I love how stories like this revolve around technology helping the lives of others and even saving them. This is such a heart-warming story, and people everywhere can now learn how to take precaution.

  3. I agree with both of you! I am very curious as to what makes the eye white instead of red. It's also amazing what technology can do now. We can make 3D prints of organs as well, so this is another amazing discovery in recent years.
