Monday, January 12, 2015

Flight attendants complained about 'menacing' images on planes By: Heather McKay

     Thirteen former flight attendants for United Airlines reported they were fired for refusing to fly a plane that had 'menacing' images of a happy and devilish faces and 'threatening' words reading"bye bye" written in engine fuel on the tail cone of one of their planes. The flight attendants were concerned about the safety of the plane and wanted a full security check of the plane to be sure that no bomb was hidden on the plane. The pilots were willing to fly the plane regardless of the images and words on the plane.  These flight attendants were fired for their actions, although officials agree that a security check of the plane needed to be done.  They are now begging for their jobs back, demanding pay back and compensatory damages.

   This is sort of like the labor unions that formed in the Gilded age due to unsafe and unfair pay and workplaces. While the flight attendants are not under the same horrible conditions as the early workers were, they refused to work until they got what they wanted (just like the early workers who went on strike). 



  1. I like how you connected this post/event to the gilden age.

  2. Honestly I would not have gotten on that plane. Airports are one of the places where stuff like this has lately been taken quite seriously and as to why someone did not have a security check ordered is quite bothersome.
    - Hannah Kalan 6th period
