Monday, January 12, 2015

Camel tramples 2 people to death in Texas - Jack VanGorden 4th per.

There was tragic news at Camel Kisses Farm in Wichita Falls, Texas over the weekend after a camel trampled two people to death. Peggye McNair, the owner of the farm and a respected camel breeder, was the first victim of the attack. The other was Mark Mere, who had gotten into the pen with the three camels. It all began when Mere went into the pen because he noticed the water trough had frozen over due to the severe cold. The male camel was very aggressive because he was in rut, a peak period of fertility and sexual excitement, and charged Mere. Worried about the camels escaping, McNair, 72, ran over to the gate and tried to close it but the camel trampled her before she able to do so. When authorities arrived at the scene, after getting permission from relatives of the owner, they shot the male camel dead.

This article was written by Andreas Preuss of CNN News at 9:31 AM ET, on Sun January 11, 2015. While I truly feel for the victims' families, I think that this is just another example of the dangers associated with keeping animals encaged. I have always been a advocator for letting animals live in their natural habitats and this case proves my point. We can't blame these animals for getting aggressive and acting out against their owners because they are prisoners. Wild animals are meant to live in the wild so that tragedies like this one don't keep happening.


  1. At first i was shocked by just seeing the title of this post. This is crazy, they cant excpect to controlllll! these wild animals.

  2. This is such a tragedy - just goes to show how animals act in captivity.
    - Vivie Behrens (Period 6)

  3. I agree completely with Vivie, this definitely show how animals act in captivity.
