Sunday, January 25, 2015

Increase in U.S. Carbon Emissions Madana Kloss 4th period 

The U.S. carbon emissions increased, contrary to the White House's promise to lower carbon emissions. This is due mostly to the rebounding economy. Although carbon emissions have increased, there have been an increase in renewable energy, such as solar or wind. Also, more Americans switched to fuel-efficient cars and trucks to try to combat their pollution. President Obama remains optimistic, and says that America will reach his goal. The pollution the U.S. is experiencing is similar to what happened in Britain when they had their Industrial Revolution. In my opinion, I think the administration will have a hard time reaching their goal, because Americans have put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the last six months compared with the same period in the last two years.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is so unnerving to realize how much of an effect these different machines, factories, production facilities, etc., have on the atmosphere around us.. Although Obama and the administration remain relatively hopeful in their own plan and actions, what will actually be accomplished through the Climate Summit remains undetermined. I just hope we can wake up enough as increasingly destructive consumers to realize and take action against this massive pollution.
    - Sophia Davison -
