Sunday, December 15, 2013

Leslie Kelly: Fox News host Megyn Kelly stands by ‘Santa is white’ comments, calls critics ‘humorless’

Oh, sweetheart. I'm starting to see why you guys hate Fox News so much. Fox News host Megyn Kelly, on national television, made a series of cringe-worthy statements regarding Aisha Harris' article, Santa Clause Should Not Be A White Man Anymore. I totally get where Ms. Harris is coming from. Santa Claus is constantly being portrayed in the media and in Christmas merchandise as a white man, is if everyone who celebrates Christmas is white, which is just not true. That's why black Santas are a thing too, although it's my understanding that we have yet to see a POC Santa represented in the media, correct me if I'm wrong please. So yeah, Ms. Harris' concerns are totally valid. Cue Megyn Kelly. If you watch the original debate, it's clear that Ms. Kelly just doesn't take the issue or Ms. Harris seriously, which right off the bat hints at an oncoming storm of disrespect and ridicule. Ugh, it just gets worse and worse with every word that comes out of her mouth, and when you remember that this is on NATIONAL TELEVISION it's Cringe City. For me, the absolute bottom was when Ms. Kelly started going on about how Santa is "just white," as if there is no other possible state of being for a fictional character. I'm like 90 percent sure she said "just." Honestly, that little word makes all the difference. It's bad enough that she's coming off as kinda-racist and close-minded but now she also seems blatantly disrespectful. Santa is just white, ladies and gentlemen, and I don't care if that makes you feel left out. You think it can't get worse but then it does--the woman thinks that Jesus was white, and states this on NATIONAL TELEVISION in order to justify her prejudice. I'm sorry to break it to you, boys and girls, but Jesus was not white. He was a very brown Jew. Because they lived in the desert. People from the desert are not white that's how you get your skin burned off. Maybe not burned off but still. Yes, you see Jesus as a white guy all the time but that's just not what he looked like so...calm down? And also Santa is a fictional character who can be any color you want so please stop making yourself look like a jerk on NATIONAL TELELVISION? Yes, I know Santa is based off of some saint but let's be real you're not sure if his name was Saint Nicholas or Saint Klaus or Saint Nicklaus and I'm pretty sure you don't much care one way or the other. The Santa we think of and are sold nowadays is a fictional character who in no way, shape, or form, must needs be white just because this lady finds a colored Santa makes her feel uncomfortable. P.S-- did I mention that Megyn Kelly is trying to pass this nonsense off as a joke? Read the article here. Read Ms. Harris' article here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for the article. I don't think she really understood what she did
