Monday, December 16, 2013

"Deaf Father Hears Daughter’s Voice for First Time Ever" - Natalie H. - Class 2

A dad hears his daughter’s voice for the first time. This article was featured six hours ago today (12/16/13) on Yahoo! News by Jennifer Carofano, a member of the Yahoo! Shine staff.

The world has come a long way from living in the dark. There are many open doors to finding the aids one needs to enhance their senses. And America is one of those places that can provide all the medical resources for its civilians.

Even so, we are still a little ways away from finding an ultimate cure to repairing the human body. 49-year-old Ken Stehle, who has been deaf since birth, just received the working hearing aid he needed, and hoped that it would prove to be successful at his daughter’s concert. It was there that he heard 15- year-old Ashley Stehle’s voice for the first time ever. After a touching song sung to her father, they were both moved to tears. Ken can now listen to more than just murmurs and vibrations.

Hopefully the world can provide an even better aid for future generations to come, but for now, we are truly grateful for what it has to offer today.



  1. This is so heart touching. I love this story- NIa Edwards 4th period

  2. It's amazing how much science has progressed throughout the years. Awesome that this was able to happen

  3. Wonderful! This is a promising step in technology.

  4. This just made my day and I'm glad that technology is advancing in such a way.
