Monday, December 9, 2013

Julian Randall-5th Period (Traveler wakes up on airliner, locked in and alone)

Tom Wagner, an airline traveler was on the plane and had landed on his destination. However, he didn't seem to make if off of the plane. Apparently, the passenger was asleep, and is a very deep sleeper. So he woke up on the plane, it was dark, and he was alone. He was very confused and didn't realize what had happened. He tried knocking and opening the jet door but unfortunately it was closed. So, he called his girlfriend and demanded that she contact the airline to get him out of the plane. Initially, she thought that Tom was kidding, and immediately starting laughing, but once he made it known he was serious, she immediately called them and he got off the plane. When someone finally reached him they were perplexed as to why he was still on the plane and he simply stated that he had fallen asleep and hadn't been waken up. This surprised the airline staff, considering that they do a sweep after every flight, and it appears as if they simply didn't see him. Wagner was on his way to see his sister in California from Louisiana. Airline staff apologized for the inconvenience.

The article was created by Steve Almasy. It was posted at approximately 9:10 AM, on December 9, 2013. A potential audience for the article could be those who frequently travel, warning them to take extra precaution and stay attentive during airline travel. Another conclusion that can be drawn from this is that airline travel faculty should perhaps they should triple check? or simply do a more authentic, thorough check when letting travelers off of the plane.

1 comment:

  1. This is creepy; I would be terrified in his position. I am glad that everything worked out.
