Thursday, December 12, 2013

6 year - old kid gets accused of sexual harrasment

6 year old kid, Hunter, gets charged with sexual harassment and suspended for 2 days for kissing a little girl's hand in the same class as him. His mother states that this is absurd and only an "innocent crush". the little girl's mother states that this was the right thing to do to protect her daughter. Hunter's mother states that he is asking " what is sex mommy?" an innocent notion that he did not harass. The little girl's mother says that he constantly wants to kiss the little girl when she doesn't want to.
In conclusion I find this adorable and yet awkward. he is a kid and it happens at least once in every person's life and this is absurd. there can be better resolutions to this issue. Perhaps switch classes or such however charged for sexual harassment? the school has dropped the charges though.


  1. I think that is kind of ridiculous. He's only six years old and that shouldn't even be possible to charge him for that. The other family is a little too protective.

  2. This is so dumb. Kids will be kids and people need to stop trying to take their innocence away. -Nia Edwards 4th period

  3. That is crazy! These kids dont even know what sex is at that point in life, that a little far.
