Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Colorado high school gunman had intended to attack five classrooms," Carson Wright, 5th Period

Last week, a teenage gunman named Karl Pierson, an 18-year-old senior at Arapahoe High School, stormed a Colorado high school. Pierson critically wounded classmate Claire Davis in his rampage, which lasted about eighty seconds. Upon his forearms he wrote "the numbers and letters that correlate to specific rooms in the building," as well as the Latin phrase, "Alea iacta est," meaning, "the die has been cast."
Pierson was armed with a shotgun, ample ammunition, a machete and three Molotov cocktails. He fired five rounds and ignited one cocktail during the attack on Friday.
When an armed deputy stationed at the school cornered him, Pierson committed suicide.
An ongoing investigation will look into whether or not Pierson had any assistance with carrying out the heinous act.
Pierson's parents have stated that they are "shattered and devastated" by their son's actions, and that they "cannot begin to understand why Karl did what he did."

There have been twenty-one school shootings since Columbine. There have been roughly 33,672 gun-related deaths since Newtown. There has been, thus far, virtually no change in firearms policy and legislation.
I keep thinking that the next one will convince them; the next one will be enough to engender a change in gun control laws. But there is no change.
There is no change because the extremists of the pro-gun lobby believe that restricting gun safety regulations will result in the nullification of the second amendment and a ban on all guns. This belief, if naught else, illuminates the fear and paranoia that rests behind any sort of legislation considered to be "liberal."
So, due to the political distaste of some, the safety of many is cast off into the gutter and trampled underfoot by madmen. Maybe one day, reason will be the prevailing guide.

Article: http://news.yahoo.com/colorado-high-school-gunman-had-intended-attack-five-235606880.html

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it is disappointing to see no change made to help the prevention of such incidents. Change in gun control laws need to be taken into consideration. Also, I find it crazy that the kid's parents were never suspicious of him in any way...if your kid is crazy enough to do something like this, wouldn't you think the parents would know something was up? Parents need to be more aware in some situations.
