Monday, December 16, 2013

Kyla Cakarnis Current Event

Teacher to student: You can't be Santa -- you're black!

The family of an African-American high school student in New Mexico says he's crushed after a teacher questioned why he was wearing Santa garb during a school holiday dress-up day last week. The teacher told Christopher Rougier, a freshman at Cleveland High School, that he couldn't be Santa because Santa is white. The teacher called the family to apologize but this is not enough for them. Disciplinary action has been taken against the teacher and the student has been moved out of his class. This came in the midst over a controversy started when news reporters argued over the ethnicity of santa on fox news. Many are starting to think we need a racially equal christmas figure, like a penguin. 

I think its really sad that this happened. The comment was wrong to say to anyone but especially to a student. I hope the teacher faces appropriate consequences. 

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