Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Khelsey Gamble 2nd Period Ted Cruz is Trippin

*My power was out on the 8th*

As we all know, Nelson Mandela died this passed Thursday because of health complications and old age. Many people from around the world, including over 50 Americans, attended his funeral service in South Africa. Ted Cruz, a senator of some sort from Texas was in attendance. When Raul Castro stood to give a few words of condolences, Ted Cruz walked out of the funeral area. He then goes to talk about how Castro has imprisoned people also, and oppressed Cubans for a while now.

I can understand why Teddy Cruz may have been upset. He is of Cuban decent and hates to see the way his people are treated back at home. I think he shouldn't have necessarily walked out of the funeral, because it wasn't even about Castro. It was about Mandela and the amazing legacy he is leaving behind. Ted should have controlled his emotions and just stayed and listened to what Castro had to say. It seems a little ironic that Castro is speaking on Mandela who was wrongfully imprisoned, but Castro does the same thing. Heck, we do the same thing in America. There is so much hypocrisy in these type of things, people act like they loved Mandela, but this man was on the terrorist list for a long time. I'm just happy people are coming together to celebrate his life.

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