'Spider-Man' to close on Broadway - Victor Ragsdale 4th Period
"With great power, comes great responsibility," as we learn from the beloved Uncle Ben. Broadway's 'Spider-Man' is closing due to its mediocre profits. The musical is notorious for many injuries on stuntmen. I guess that Broadway didn't quite understand that Uncle Ben wasn't to be taken lightly. When having people jump and "fly" tens of feet in the air, there are certain responsibilities you are expected to uphold. The musical is supposed to move to Las Vegas and undergo a revamping to be released in 2015.
Should this musical be returned to Broadway, revamped for Vegas, or rejected altogether?
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/19/nyregion/spider-man-to-shut-on-broadway.html?hp&_r=0
I feel that this musical has a better place in Las Vegas. Broadway should be saved for shows worth more than just entertainment.