Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Black Friday no longer on Friday Valerie Coahuilas

Black Friday, a day of bargains that to many are worth the stampede of people each there to get their hands on any good deals before theyre all gone. This was essentially after Thanksgiving and families could enjoy their company together on the holiday then participate in the shopping if they so desired. However, Black Friday may no longer be on Friday at all. And perhaps may be moved to Thanksgiving day or even up a whole week earlier. This is due to the big store chains that have been having a tough time with money these past few months and not racking in the big numbers. So essentially they can no longer afford to close on the holiday and would rather push to make every little bit they could get ahold of. Is this morally wrong? Should stores be allowed to open on the holiday simply to make more money? Many argue that it is highly unethical and takes away from family time particularly from those who's parents are accustomed to shopping on those days of specials.



  1. I think that it is preferred that stores be closed on holidays, especially for Black Friday. Many people will be torn between spending time with their families and getting good deals, and that will always lead to problems. Because of that controversy I think that the stores will not get many customers on holidays so in my opinion I think it is best to keep black friday...on black friday

  2. Aww man!! This really tkes away from the holiday spirit!!! It will feel like something is missing Felicia Padilla 5th
