Sunday, November 17, 2013

Griffin Johnston, 4th period, violent "knockout games" occurring throughout the U.S.

            An article on reports on the violent “Knockout Games” played by teens in various places throughout the U.S. These “games,” as one teen described them, consist of a group of boys (or men, or just one boy/man) who pick out an isolated person and proceed to punch, or injure, or knock out, that person “just for the fun of it” as one boy said. However, these crimes have not only resulted in the targeted victim being knocked out, multiple cases have resulted in death to the victim due to, according to one case, internal bleeding in the brain. The 13-year-old found responsible for the death of the man was guilty of assault and was sentenced to 18 months in juvenile detention.
            When one has little to do in their lives and has large amounts of time where they are doing nothing, minds start to wonder and think of unruly, and sometimes evil, things to do. Despite this, it is very difficult to find a logical explanation for the actions of these men and boys. Even more difficult is to find an explanation for their enjoyment in inflicting harm and pain on another person. One victim stated that a group of teens approached her, and after one of them punched her in the back of the head, the group went away on their bicycles, laughing. A noticeable pattern that is apparent all over the news and media is that people will go to drastic measures just to get attention. Also, people get an exhilaration and excitement that comes from knowing they got away with something. These possible explanations are, by know means, making what these boys and men have been doing, right. It is terrible that people think of such hurtful things to do to others "for fun." There are things that all of us have done in our past as children (and even as young adults) where we look back and think, “what was I thinking?” Our brains are constantly throwing thoughts through our consciousness that we have no desire to be in our minds. However, what makes a person distinct and unique from another person is what thoughts he/she chooses to act on.


  1. It makes me so sad that some have categorized assault--and sometimes murder--as a fun "game." I completely agree with your analysis on what makes a person distinct or unique; you hit the nail on the head there.

  2. I cannot believe that this Is actually called a game! This is literally bullying, like seriously! Sometimes people in this world do some dumb things!
