Monday, November 25, 2013

Byron Otis- New Yorker Nearly Swindled out of 999,000 dollars

When a deli clerk gave a man one thousand dollars for his ten dollar lottery ticket, the man protested. He was right to do so, for he was a much bigger winner than the clerk led him to believe. He won one million dollars, not one thousand. Quite the difference, eh! It is uncertain whether the clerk and his father, the owner of the deli in which they work, will be charged with anything, but their attempted scam was reprehensible, if understandable. 999 thousand dollars would put many people through college. I often wonder what large winners like that do with their money. I hope some charity is involved.


  1. Though winning large amounts of money in a lottery or game show might be the envy of countless people, it is always more fulfilling to earn that money through years of hard work and labor. Also, you brought up a very good point with regards to people's use of their money once they have won. There are numerous people who long to have large sums of money, but there are many cases where once they have received that money, they do not what they are going to do with it. This shows that money does not equate to happiness

  2. Oh, I find it funny and a little sad that you (and I would as well) would when thinking about the amount of money, would turn immediately to how much higher education it would pay for. Simply because it is ridiculous and also a little sad that it costs so much to go to college, and so very much not to.
