Saturday, April 6, 2019

Woman President? - Chloe Meinershagen

Kamala Harris believes if she wins as presidential candidate, she will nominate her VP as another woman, making it a all-woman ticket. Senator Elizabeth Warren says she would do the same, a woman or man, she just wants someone who'd be in the fight. Contrasting popular belief, 92% of people in a 2015 Gallup Poll said they would vote to have a female president. But this could be unreliable. 56% of women don't believe they'll see a woman president in their life time. Clinton said sexism was the main cause of her not winning the 2016 election. However, theres a record number of female candidates for the 2020 election: 6. Also, in the course of 2018, 102 women were elected to the House, and 15 more elected or appointed to the Senate. Harris is one of the forerunners for the Democrats. But there is a big question: Are women presidential candidates willing to harm their chances by committing to a all-woman ticket?

Previous to this article, I knew that there were more women running for the presidential election this year, but I hadn't thought about the controversy that comes with what gender the women would select as the Vice President. Its interesting to me, but I now realize that it's actually quite an important choice. Back in 1901, when William McKinley was assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt took over after many people were hoping Roosevelt would never touch presidency, and would sit as VP, powerless, for the whole term. While currently the election debates have not started, I am sure that being a woman and electing a woman as a VP will be harmful to someone's running, and be a controversy that often will be brought up. Good luck to all candidates!


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  2. Although we have seen male candidates select woman running mates before for the female vote, I had never considered the effects of having two women on the ticket. However, although having a woman president would be amazing, people should still vote responsibly and go with who they think will do the best job instead of voting based on the gender of the candidate, whether that be male or female. - Daniella Castanheira
