Monday, April 8, 2019

Mekinna Knight- Boycott's Again?

This week’s current event seems to be something that is more occurring in today’s news and although disappointing, does need to be talked about. This is concerning Los Angeles city leaders who have called for a boycott of two hotels that are popular with Hollywood royalty, because the business owners are part of a foreign government that punishes homosexuality and adultery with death. With America being as prominent in its freedom as it is today, this is especially alarming. People in America should not feel as if they are a threat/ being threatened in any way especially on rights that are not illegal/ free to practice at their own leisure. Councilman Paul Koretz, L.A. Controller Ron Galperin and head of Equality California Rick Zbur said in recent news that they planned to take formal measures in the public to implement an awareness for residents and visitors to not stay at these hotels. The place in which this belief comes is the small, oil-rich monarchy of Brunei, located just east of Malaysia. They implemented Islamic criminal laws on April 3rd that would lead to punishments such as stoning for gay sex and amputation for petty theft. Brunei Investment Agency, an arm of the Brunei government, owns the Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air. While this is an ongoing discussion, I believe through public awareness and action the concept will be resolved. 

This can be closely related to the actions taken back in 2014-2015 by George Clooney for the exact same reason towards the exact same hotels. People finally having their eyes opened to this terrible production will hopefully take some kind of successful action.

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