Sunday, April 7, 2019

Jude Holland - 10 Year old Girl Killed By Road Rage Driver

This Friday, as suspect was finally caught and sentenced to prison for killing 10 year old Summer Brown. The previous Wednesday, the brown family was driving along the highway in Phoenix, and cut off a driver in a white pickup truck. The truck followed them home and as soon as the family exited the car, the driver got out and shot at the car, killing Summer Brown and injuring her father. Two days later, the truck was tracked down and suspect Joshua Gonzalez was arrested.

I think that this is another story that shows our need of better gun control laws. Violence and homicide in our country is often the result of unchecked aggression, but is also a result of the fact that guns are easy to obtain. I don't believe we should get rid of guns, however less guns in general and strict background checks and regulations could help limit the number of tragic shootings like these especially when the shooter kills for such a ridiculous reason as road rage. Honestly the shooter also probably had some mental issues if he decided to kill someone over being cut off, and that's another reason to limit guns. 

1 comment:

  1. we do need better gun control laws for the sake of keeping our own people safe
