Sunday, April 7, 2019

Economic Ripples: Hospital Closure Hurts a Town's Ability to Attract Retirees - Miranda Farrar

Unable to find a buyer, a hospital in Celina, Tennessee, has closed, becoming the 11th hospital to close in recent years. Tennessee refuses to expand Medicaid to help the working poor. The closing of the hospital has many effects. Now, the closest hospital is 18 miles away, which isn't good for senior citizens with health problems. In addition, the hospital is one of the town's largest employers, which affects the economy. Almost 150 people will have to find new jobs. The people in Celina worry about losing the only three physicians in the town now that the hospital is closed.

This article underlines the effects to the economy of losing a large employer. Both the public and the workers worry about what will happen. Now that the hospital is closed, health care is a lot harder to come by. Lyndon B. Johnson created the Social Security Act to help people, especially senior citizens, receive healthcare. Now, it seems like we need some more help or else more counties and the people in it will struggle to survive.

1 comment:

  1. its sad that a state won't help the poor get the care that they need
