Monday, January 21, 2019

Lily Philips- High School Students Taunt Native American Elder

On Friday, outside of Lincoln Memorial, a big group of high school boys wearing Trump apparel gathered around Native American man while he sang a spiritual song. A boy who was a Junior at Covington Catholic High School stood close by and simply stared and smiled seemingly taunting the man while he drummed. There are many views on what happened and who provoked who. Some people heard derogatory chanting aimed towards the Native Americans coming from the students. However, the high schoolers claim they were simply receiving insults from an African American protest group and decided to counter with their school spirit song. Many people such as parents, school faculty, and political figures have come out with statements on the matter. The school apologizes for the kids actions and went on to say they would handle the student through punishment and even expulsion from their school. The Kentucky Secretary of State who also graduated from a Catholic school stated that “we are better than this.” Further information regarding the boys actions has yet to be announced from Covington Catholic High School.

This article was written by Sarah Mervosh who reports on legal issues and criminal justice and published by The New York Times, which is a well-known, trusted source for reliable information. The audience of this article is the people of America to express how divided our country still is today.   The author was straightforward and to the point about the matter at hand and used little to no bias, simply facts and quotes. This event can be connected to segregation and discrimination of minorities during America’s history which is sadly still present today as shown through this article and video. Looking back our history, we are able to see the influence of race and culture on today’s society.


  1. I agree that the country feels very divided and every time I turn on the news, it is apparent that Americans are no longer working together. I think there are always two sides to every situation and usually both sides can give a little or change their actions or responses to create a better outcome.

  2. I just don’t understand how someone could blatantly disrespect someone culture because they’re ignorant. This country needs to learn how to assimilate all people and not just by making natives into “Americans”
