Sunday, October 28, 2018

Koko Chen - global warming

          In this article Michael Hoffman talks about how global warming is speeding up day by day. HE says that we really only have 9 more years to stop all the pollution we are doing to the earth by all the factories we have and the carbon dioxide in the air, littering, and honestly most of the things we all do on a day to day basis. 
         We are all very aware of global warming and not many of us seem to really care about it that much because we still continue to harm this earth day by day, we waste alot of food and things we can reuse and that all goes to junkyards which harms the earth. We really need to start changing our lifestyles and helping stop global warming,


  1. Given how fast this is occurring, I wonder how long it will take us as a country and a global community to fully acknowledge it

  2. This is a huge problem for the world and people could lessen issues like this by changing small things in their every day routines like taking shorter showers or just eating meat 3-4 times a week. Most people don’t associate these things with climate change but they are large factors in carbon emissions.
    Maya Friedmann

  3. This is for our own good , our health is going to be terrible. This needs to be taken in action quickly . -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera

  4. I really feel like the only way to make ant change if to completely overhaul the world economy and start to only focus on clean energy but I don't see that happening any time soon
