Monday, September 24, 2018

Trump Defends Kavanaugh -Cleo Chaney

Original Article:

Trump has defended Brett Kavanaugh, a nominee for the Supreme Coirt, against sexual harassment allegations. He said that the victims are politically motivated and that Kavanaugh is “an outstanding person.”

Kavanaugh was accused of two acts of harassment, and he has outright denied them. As they did happen a while ago, he would have had the option of admitting his wrongs and apologizing, likely with relatively small consequences. However, he chose to completely deny them, invalidating the women. This was not only a bad moral decision but also a bad political decision in the current MeToo climate. Patterns of behavior such as this are very toxic and devalue women in society. Trump, who has probably done worse than Kavanaugh, is an example of a president who’s character is not what it should be. There have many presidents in the past who have had similar scandals, such as Bill Clinton’s affair. This is nothing new.

I can hope that Kavanaugh’s hearing will have an outcome that makes an example of him and makes men (and women) of all ages and with any level of power too afraid of repercussions to harass and take advantage of others.

1 comment:

  1. Lily McCollum -- It is saddening, but not suprising to see Trump standing up for Kavanaugh. It is unfair that people with power can get away with awful things just because they have even more powerful people supporting them.
