Monday, September 17, 2018

Miss England finalist will be first to wear a hijab -Grecia Jimenez

Sara Iftekhar, competing for the beaty crown, is the 1st finalist that will wear a hijab. Iftekhar is a 20-year-old law student from West Yorkshire who already holds the Miss Huddersfield 2018. Not only is she making a differenc in the beauty pageant industry, she is also "ucycling" garbage items into dresses and incorporating things like trash bags into her outfits. Unlike the material, the clothing she has made is far from trashy. She is inspiring manhy other Muslim women, "There are so many Muslim women that feel like they don't fit society's standard of beauty," she said in June. "I just wanted to tell them it's OK to be different, being different is beautiful, too."

If women like Iftekhar continue to use their platforms to open up spaces for minorities, more girls will feel representeed and accepted in the various forms beauty takes. Alot of young girls these days need tol see this kind of diversity and acceptance in the media so they dont grow up with self-hate and disgust for their culture or background. Not too long ago, the beauty standard was to be skinny, tall, and light skinned with european features, and this sort of still lingers in our society today. When girls start to feel self acceptance, they feel empowered, we need more confident girls to write the chapters of the future society.


  1. It's nice that many minorities are getting the visibility they deserve. I believe Iftekhar's message with her clothing choice is very unique and different.

  2. It is so great that she is making a change in this world no matter what prejudices might stand against her.

  3. So inspirational and so necessary. The representation in the media needs to be diversified from every angle, and Iftekhar's use of her platform to reach those is a step in the right direction and this will hopefully continue so we can have acceptance of all people.
    -Fiona Graybill

  4. That was me through a different account^

  5. Seeing her stay true to her religion and beliefs is truly amazing especially in the time we live in.It is easy to be influenced by the women we see in the magazines with their skin and long hair showing. Knowing who you are and not letting anyone change that is very important and I hope that people will get that from this article.

  6. I LOVE that we are finally praising diversity on such a high level. Minority groups need this type of exposure because of all the oppression we've had to experience.

  7. This is really great . Women and men of different cultures should be allowed and encouraged to wear cultural headwear and cultural wear in general especially for the younger girls and guys to also know and feel it's okay.
