Monday, September 17, 2018

Marissa Rubio: Trump caps Refugees Allowed into U.S. at 30,00

The Trump administration has recently capped the refugees seeking asylum in the United States at 30,000. This is the lowest cap in history, even lower than the one after nine eleven. This new policy will make legal entry into the country even more difficult to those who are fleeing war and persecution. This new policy is apparently due to needing to prioritize those who have already arrived at the U.S. border, though other administrations have handled both with much higher numbers of people involved. The group of immigrants who seek asylum and who cross the border are processed completely differently and are typically not classified the same.

This is another mark on an ever growing list of the Trump administrations disregard for human life. Those who are fleeing from places of conflict have little other option. Other more developed countries around the world have taken in greater numbers of these immigrants, lacking many of the resources the United States has.  By making the pathway to legal immigration competitive and difficult, illegally entering the country becomes many peoples only viable option. The issue of immigration won't be solved by trying the same method of capping those legally allowed to enter and ignoring the issue within the system. If the process of entering the country to begin with was more accessible and updated, there would be more legal immigrants contributing to the economy. Illgeal immigrants lack the same rights as citizens and as a result work under life threatening conditions and are payed far below minimum wage doing jobs that no one else wants to do. These immigrants contribute to the economy far more than they take away.  Why does the United States treat a group of workers that could potentially positively impact them as if they were violating their country? The answer is simple. A country originally made up of immigrants fears a loss of privilege that they earned by being born on the right side of an imaginary line.


  1. Wait forgot to connect to History: This policy of capping immigrants allowed into the United States, though this is a record low, is similar to the Bush administration's capping of immigrants following the attack on the world trade center.

  2. i personally dont agree with this order whatsoever, immigrants fleeing war and seeking refuge should be welcomed regardless! and certainly not be separated from their families.

  3. I agree with you. If immigrants need refuge from a country at war, I believe the United States should assist and help these people. They don't have many options and deserve to be safe. I also think that immigrants help the economy and take the jobs that other Americans don't want to do. I hope things begin to change for the better in our country in the future. Lily Philips
