Monday, September 17, 2018

Jordan Gillette- North Carolina's Atlantic coastal towns wither away at the hands of hurricane Florence

Summary: On September 13th, 2018's hurricane season put on its big boy pants and seized mother nature's gentle hand as the dreaded hurricane Florence made landfall to the dismay of thousands of North Carolinian citizens. The death toll has risen to a grisly 31, and buried in those numbers are the lives of a mother and infant, who died when a tree crashed onto their house on September 14th. In some areas of North Carolina, the amount of rain has spiked up to 40in, a catastrophic amount that hasn't been seen in recent years. In cities like Wilmington, people are living without power, and some with the risk of death until this weekend when the storm is expected to dial down. Hurricane Florence has also spawned several tornadoes throughout the Carolinas, if there wasn't enough havoc there already. Unfortunately, as Florence began to creep away from the Carolinas, she's only moving upwards towards West Virginia, Virginia, and New England to bring forth chaos in the lives of the citizens of the Atlantic Coast.

Analysis: At this point, I'm praying that all that are involved or will be involved with hurricane Florence have either evacuated and found a safe haven inland, or if they are caught in the eye of the hurricane, that they have enough supplies and resilience to survive these next few critical days. This article was written by the staff at BBC, and it was interesting hearing about hurricane Florence from an international perspective. Seeing how other parts of the world are praying and contributing to the cause for the citizens of the Carolinas shows how we as human beings can be subconsciously empathetic for strangers in need. Before reading this article I had heard about hurricane Florence reaching landfall in the Caribbean and sending a small prayer, and only now do I know about the extensive damage Florence stained her Atlantic path with in the Carolinas and beyond. This article was written within the mindset of keeping the general public outside of the Carolinas informed of the atrocities Mother Nature has been throwing at her children under the influence of Florence. It's written as a way to subtly encourage people the help by donating to keep the supplies running into the towns that are currently in dire condition. Hurricane's Florence ravage of the Carolinas can be compared to 1954's disastrous Hurricane Hazel. The category 4 storm tore up the Carolinas with an iron fist, showing no remorse. This hurricane can also be compared to a famous internet video on the site known as Vine of a boy dropping a tortilla off of his pantry shelf saying, "Hurricane Katrina? more like Hurricane Tor-t-ill-a." in reference to the horrors that Katrina brought to the city of New Orleans, and how the citizens there were left to eat whatever wasn't expired in their pantries.

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