Monday, September 17, 2018

Brandon Spigner - Travel to the dark side of the moon

Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, offically named a person to be the first to go to the dark side of the moon. This project is the first of its kind since 1972. Elon wants to bridge the gap of space travel from not only astronauts, but to everyday people. Mars is next on the agenda for this booming company. This exploration of space is similar to Columbus' exploration we are now expanding our land for one day space colonization. If Elon achieves this he will be known as the American who commercialized space travel, and that is an iconic and revolutionary.

1 comment:

  1. That is an incredible development in the realm of space. I wonder if there will be commercialized space flight within our lifetimes. I would love for you to elaborate on your take on this topic and the implications it may have for and on our history.
