Friday, March 18, 2016

"Attacker who stabbed students at UC Merced had ISIS flag, FBI says"- Leah Messinger (period 1)

    The article that I read highlights the events of an incident in November where a University of California student stabbed four people on campus followed by him being killed by police. While at first police categorized this incident as the actions of a "disgruntled college student", authorities have recently discovered that there might be different intentions behind his actions. They discovered that the student, Faisal Mohammad, had visited ISIS and other terrorist groups' websites before his attacks. They also discovered pro-ISIS propaganda on his laptop and an image of an ISIS flag in his backpack. Investigators determined that Mohammad had worked on his own with no ties to any foreign terrorist organizations.
    This story is particularly scary to think about because of the fact that he had no foreign ties. It makes it that much more of a possibility for inside attacks. It made it obvious that members of ISIS don't have to necessarily be in the U.S to have powerful effect on our citizens. This student had his own personal beliefs and decided to act upon them. While luckily none of the victims passed away, they were still severely injured and mentally scarred.


  1. Woah that is scary how big of an influence ISIS has in the US.

  2. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    This is terrible to think that college campuses and even students might not be safe and that ISIS has this big of an impact so far from overseas.
