Monday, March 28, 2016

The war in the middle east will stop?(Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

Summary:This article discusses how during Obama's presidency there has been the question of removing American troops, whether it should happen or not. This is a debate that has been there for a while, ever since America got in to one foreign affair, other countries keep bringing America in.

Analysis: This debate can be traced to many wars, however it has a connection to World War 2. After World War 2, there was a follow of the red scare, which lead to the belief of containment. Containment was when the US tried to limit communism worldwide, because of containment US's foreign policy was broadened. This eventually led to The US's involvement in the middle east and creating the tensions that affect us today.


  1. yeah I feel like the US throughout history is just going back and forth between policies of isolationism and over-involvement in foreign affairs. We need to find that middle ground to prevent another Vietnam...

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