Thursday, March 24, 2016

Study Shows Trump's Grammar is at Fifth Grade Level--Becca Brandt 4th Period

A study was recently conducted by the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University on the language of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. The results suggest that his language is of the fifth grade level. Researchers examined about 40 speeches delivered by Trump, and his fellow candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. Out of all the candidates, Bernie Sanders had the most advanced vocabulary, at the 11th grade level. Trump and Clinton scored at the 8th grade level, and Cruz at the 9th grade level in his inaugural speech.

To me, this shows just how average presidential candidates are. The people who are in the race to run our country have the same vocabulary skills as I do, or at least their HIRED speech writers do. I'm not saying they aren't intelligent, and some of them have some great ideas, but it shows how much formality and intelligence don't matter to our world today. Reading this article definitely makes me doubt the future of our country.


  1. This just reiterates the embarrassment that we as a country will have to face if Trump is elected president. The way it is looking, he has a very good chance at being one of the candidates, which just exemplifies the fear I have of what the country will look like by the end of the year.
    Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

  2. I think that's actually funny that Trump's grammar is at a 5th grade level but he's running for president. But at the same time, it is very sad to see that the people who are trying to run our country are only at the 11th grade vocabulary.
    Tea Perez 1st period

  3. I wonder what the average American reading level is. I would assume it's near 11th grade, but 5th seems way too low. I guess we should take those English vocab quizzes more seriously...

  4. I agree with Demi, haha! Although this is a compelling argument, it might be helpful to see this data in relationship to the average language level of America to get a better understand to the comparison of presidential candidates.

  5. Kenley Turner 3rd period- I dont agree with any of Trumps views by any means, but obviously his education level (on that part of the brain) doesnt matter because he is one of the most successful business men in the world. It just shows that if you use certain things to your advantage, it doesnt really matter what you have under your belt
