Thursday, May 28, 2015

U.S. on the attack for FIFA Kalena Rodriguez P5

FIFA has a history for enforcing the Futbol rules on the field but for breaking rules outside of the sport. this is a multi-billion dollar industry that is the head of the most popular sport in the world. FIFA has regularly been accused of bribery and other scandals as they gave the world cup to russia and Qatar.
The U.S. is now taking the company to court on corruption charges. it is a little ironic that this country would challenge them considering futbol is not nearly as popular in this country as it is across the world. FIFA planned out their wrongful doing in the U.S., they used the U.S. banking system to perform this injustice, and they targeted the U.S's growing market in soccer. due to all of these reasons, this court case was developed and will be finished here.

this is crazy to hear because i am a huge soccer fan and deeply got into the world cup this pst summer in2014. i took a personal interest in the subject without any outside pressure or influences so it is sad to be informed that this organization has a history in being corrupted.


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