Monday, May 4, 2015

Shooters at Mohammad Exhibit - Elisa Weich p. 5

Two gunmen have been killed after attempting to shoot out an art exhibit displaying the Prophet Mohammad which is against the religion of Islam.  However, the Muslim community in Garland, Texas, where the shooting took place, has condemned these men and their actions because they are such strong supporters of freedom of speech. 

This topic will no doubt cause a stir among the public about religion, freedom of speech, and access to firearms.  Additionally, some people may still find these men guilty of terrorism despite the religious communities attempts to separate themselves from these actions of hate. There may also be questions into the nature of the exhibit, as it blatantly insults a religion in the land where all should feel free to practice what they believe in without scrutiny.

Full Article Here

1 comment:

  1. i really liked your analysis. I hope everyone can learn from this. -Miguel Dones 6th
